Finding Light Through Astrology: My Journey Through Divorce

Divorce is one of the most challenging transitions a person can go through. It uproots your sense of security, shifts your identity, and can leave you feeling lost in a sea of emotions. I know this journey all too well. Two years ago, I went through a separation and subsequent divorce after being a stay-at-home mom for nearly 11 years. During this turbulent period, astrology became my guiding light, helping me find clarity, peace, and a renewed sense of self. Today, I use my experience and knowledge to support other divorced moms, helping them navigate their own paths to healing and empowerment.

My Story: Astrology as a Beacon in the Dark

When my marriage ended, I felt like my world was falling apart. The future seemed uncertain, and the present was filled with heartache and confusion. It was during this time that I turned to astrology, a practice that had always intrigued me but now became a vital part of my healing journey.

Finding Clarity in the Stars

Astrology provided me with a framework to understand the tumultuous emotions I was experiencing. By examining my natal chart, I gained insight into my strengths, weaknesses, and the patterns that had played out in my relationships. The moon, with its phases and cycles, became a powerful symbol of my own emotional journey. As it waxed and waned, I learned to honor my feelings, acknowledging that just like the moon, I was constantly evolving.

Embracing Transformation

One of the most profound lessons astrology taught me was the power of transformation. As I delved deeper into my chart, I recognized the significance of Pluto's influence – the planet of rebirth and transformation. Pluto’s energy encouraged me to let go of old patterns, embrace change, and step into a new chapter of my life with courage and resilience.

Liberation through Uranus

During my divorce, Uranus played a significant role in my astrological chart, symbolizing liberation and awakening. Although Uranus often brings perceived chaos and upheaval, it also frees us from what is holding us back. Through its influence, I felt a powerful push to break free from limiting patterns and embrace my authentic self. This liberation, though challenging, was incredibly freeing. I began to see the bigger picture, feeling supported by a force greater than myself – Spirit, the Universe, whatever you choose to call it. Seeing these changes written in the stars reassured me that I was on the right path, even when the journey felt difficult.

Guiding Other Divorced Moms: Turning Pain into Power

Inspired by my own transformation, I made it my mission to help other divorced moms find their light through astrology. Here’s how I use this ancient practice to support and empower my clients:

Natal Chart Readings: Understanding Your Cosmic Blueprint

I offer personalized natal chart readings to help moms understand their unique astrological makeup. By exploring planetary placements and aspects, we uncover strengths, talents, and potential growth areas. This self-awareness is crucial in rebuilding one’s identity post-divorce.

Lunar Guidance: Working with the Moon’s Energy

The moon’s phases are a powerful tool for emotional healing. I teach my clients how to harness the moon’s energy to set intentions, release past hurts, and embrace new beginnings. Whether it’s a new moon for setting fresh goals or a full moon for letting go, the lunar cycle offers a supportive framework for emotional growth.

Astrological Transits: Navigating Life’s Changes

Astrological transits provide insight into the current and upcoming cosmic energies impacting our lives. By understanding these transits, my clients can better navigate the changes and challenges that arise during and after divorce. This foresight allows them to make empowered choices and align their actions with the universe’s rhythms.

Creating Empowering Rituals

Incorporating rituals into daily life can be incredibly grounding and empowering. I guide my clients in creating personalized rituals that align with their astrological insights. These rituals, whether it’s a self-nurturing bath during a water moon or a journaling session during an air moon, help them connect with their inner selves and find peace amidst the chaos.

Your Journey Begins Here

Divorce is a challenging journey, but it can also be a path to profound personal growth and empowerment. Astrology was my guiding light through the darkness, and it can be yours too. If you’re a divorced mom seeking clarity, strength, and a renewed sense of self, I invite you to explore the transformative power of astrology with me.

Let’s walk this path together. Reach out today to start your journey of healing and self-discovery.

Book a personalized reading with me today and discover the cosmic insights that can guide you on your journey. Visit Aruna Astrology to learn more and schedule your session.

Astrology helped me find my way through one of the darkest times of my life, and I am passionate about helping other moms do the same. Together, we can turn pain into power and create a brighter, more fulfilling future.

With lunar love,


Shine Bright with the New Moon in Leo


Full Moon in Capricorn: A Time for Growth and Renewal