Navigating the Full Moon in Capricorn: A Time for Structure and Goals

As the full moon rises on June 21, it illuminates the determined and ambitious sign of Capricorn, the Sea Goat. Capricorn, known for its love of structure and goal-setting, is ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline and responsibility. This celestial event encourages us to reflect on our goals and the feelings they evoke. Are we on the right path? Do we need to reassess our objectives? This is a powerful time to realign with our ambitions and create a solid plan to achieve them.

However, the cosmic energies are not solely focused on discipline and structure. The sun is square Neptune, introducing a dreamy, imaginative quality. While Neptune can inspire creativity and vision, it also calls for discernment. It’s essential to carefully consider the ideas that come to mind and avoid the temptation to escape responsibilities. Ground your daydreams in reality, and let them fuel your goals rather than distract from them.

Adding to the energy this full moon is opposite Mercury, which can create tension between our thoughts and feelings. With Mercury in Cancer, our communication is imbued with sensitivity and emotional depth, but it also squares the moon’s nodes, challenging us to use our intellect for positive contributions. How can you communicate your thoughts and ideas in a nurturing and constructive way? This alignment asks us to find a balance between our rational mind and our emotional needs.

The moon is also opposite Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and desire, highlighting potential conflicts between our needs and the needs of others. Relationships may feel a bit strained as we navigate these opposing forces. It’s important to find balance and ensure that our desires do not overshadow the needs of those around us. How can we maintain harmony in our relationships while pursuing our goals?

During this full moon in Capricorn, embrace the discipline and structure that Capricorn offers while being mindful of Neptune’s dreamy influence. Reflect on your goals with clarity and purpose, and communicate your thoughts with compassion and care. Find the balance between your needs and the needs of others, and use this powerful lunar energy to make meaningful strides towards your aspirations.

Harness the power of this full moon to manifest your desires with our free Moon Manifesting Worksheet! This tool will help you set your intentions in alignment with the moon cycle, providing clarity, focus, and accountability. Sign up on our website to download your free copy today.

Ready for deeper, personalized guidance? Book a session with me to explore how this full moon and other astrological events can support your journey towards achieving your goals and creating a fulfilling life. Visit Aruna Astrology to get started!

All the cosmic love,


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