Aruna Astrology: Unveiling the Cosmic Connection

Why Aruna? What's in a Name?

Selecting the right name for my astrology venture became a journey imbued with a profound sense of connection. The moon, a cornerstone of my spiritual practice and a central focus of my astrology studies, had to be at the heart of it all.

The Quest for Uniqueness:

As I embarked on the quest for the perfect name, I quickly realized that "Luna" was a popular choice. I wanted something distinctive, something that hadn't been taken yet. So, I ventured into the world of possibilities.

When Aruna Found Me:

And then it happened—Aruna found me. This elegant name has multiple meanings. In Japanese, it can mean "moon love." It's also a Sanskrit word, symbolizing "dawn." In Hindu mythology, it's the name of the charioteer who steers the sun god, Surya, across the sky. He embodies the radiant glow of the rising sun, aligning beautifully with the realm of Astrology.

A Dance of Sun and Moon:

What captivated me most was the duality of Aruna, representing both sun and moon. It led me to ponder the notion of the charioteer as the moon, guiding the sun, and ushering in the dawn of a new day.

Aruna Astrology: Where Cosmic Energies Unite:

Aruna Astrology is more than a name; she’s her own dance of celestial energies where the sun and the moon collaborate, bringing you the dawn of new insights and a journey of self-discovery.

The Cosmic Tapestry:

As I unveil the layers of Aruna Astrology, I invite you to join me on a cosmic voyage. Together, we'll explore the mysteries of the universe, unravel the threads of celestial wisdom, and navigate the astral realms.

Stay Tuned:

The journey has just begun, and I'm excited to share this cosmic adventure with you. Stay tuned for celestial insights, astrological revelations, and a glimpse into the magical world of Aruna Astrology.

Embrace the cosmic connection!

#ArunaAstrology #CelestialJourney #CosmicConnection #MoonLove #DawnOfNewBeginnings


Embracing the Journey: From Crystals to Astrology, My Path of Self-Discovery

