Embracing Creativity and Self-Expression: Celebrating the Artist Within

The canvas of life is vast, and within each of us resides the innate ability to be an artist, shaping our existence with strokes of creativity and self-expression. Recently, I had the pleasure of completing my first commissioned art piece that found a new home. What made this experience truly special was not just the act of creation but the fact that my little sidekick, my daughter, joined me in this artistic endeavor.

In my belief, everyone is an artist in their own right, endowed with the power to bring forth unique expressions into the world. The realization that someone appreciates my individual style enough to commission a piece brought a smile to my face. It's a stark contrast to a memory from years ago when I casually mentioned the idea of participating in pop-ups and art shows. Back then, someone close dismissed the notion, asserting that the person I admired was a "real" artist. This comment lingered, casting a shadow on my artistic aspirations.

Fast forward to the present, and my journey has been one of self-discovery, playfulness, and a refusal to conform to traditional definitions of artistry. I may not excel at portrait painting or detailed drawings, but I thrive on the joy of creation and the freedom to play with different mediums. The gallery wall in my living area, adorned with pieces I've crafted over the years, stands as a testament to my evolving identity as an artist.

What I find particularly amusing is the comment from someone who recognized my soul on canvas. It served as a reminder that art is subjective, and true beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. The lesson learned: never tether your self-worth to someone else's opinion, even if they should be a pillar of support. The real prize lies in the process of creation itself.

The journey into art has become a bonding experience with my daughter. Encouraging creativity, regardless of its scale, is a gift I want to impart to her. In my belief, we are channels of the Divine, tools through which the universe expresses itself. Listening to that divine inspiration and embracing the creative process has become my mantra.

As 2023 unfolded, it brought its share of lessons in grief, patience, growth, and strength. Yet, amidst the challenges, I found solace in the act of creation. Now, as we step into 2024, my resolution is clear: to be unapologetically me. I eagerly anticipate the artistic wonders that this new year will unfold, excited to see the creations that will reflect the essence of who I am. Here's to a year of self-expression, creativity, and the unbridled joy of being authentically myself. Cheers to 2024! 🥂


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